• TR Country, Eastern Branch

    Last day of this particular det to the greater Bowie-Annapolis-etc part of the country and last day of standing the watch at a rehab/transitional center. However, I did manage to get out yesterday for a quick tour, including some documentation/photo stops at two of the former Washington Defense Area Nike Ajax missile sites, down by…

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  • Hoist the Flag!

    And a delightful evening it was, spent with nearly 20 members of Triumphs Around the Chesapeake (aka TRAC) at The Sunset Restaurant in Glen Burnie. YFE got there a little early so I sat out in the entry for a few minutes, then the hostess said, “There are several gentlemen waiting in the bar, could…

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  • Ah, Wintertime…

    What’s the matter, bunkie? Depressed because as the temperatures drop and the precipitation steadily trends towards copious amounts of the white stuff, you’re unable to get your Triumph out of the garage? Well, stand up and cheer; as the following video indicates, there are always options for wintertime LBC driving: https://screen.yahoo.com/world-record-car-jump-attempt-163356600.html Three comments: 1) Note…

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  • Extended Patrol

    Patrol? Shoot, this qualifies as a short deployment. As most in SLTOA (and a few in Capital Triumph Register) know, yr fthfl ed has made multiple trips back to the DC-Baltimore-Annapolis oparea since last March, of varying lengths, due to a family medical situation. Well, I’ve pulled the chocks and am heading east again, for…

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  • Merry Christmas!

    Yeah, a bit early, but SLTOA – along with several of our friends from the Gateway Healey Association and the MG Club of St Louis – celebrated with our annual Christmas party earlier this evening. Great turnout – nearly 60 – great fun, great conversation and, as always, great food and service from the MAC-West.…

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  • Springtime in North Dakota, eh?

    What with the temperature pushing 70 (!) yesterday, YFE came THIS CLOSE to putting the top down on the High-Speed Doorstop and going out for the second or third “No Kidding Last Rort of the Year” drive. Ah, but between choir practice and a requirement to get the Christmas lights up, I flat ran out…

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  • Post-Turkey II

    Three years ago SLTOA member Joe G. called out the faithful for a drive the Saturday following Thanksgiving (or was it Sunday?), across the river to a great German restaurant near Waterloo, named (for whatever reason) Dreamland Palace. Had great weather, good temps (well, at least until the sun went down) and about five cars/seven…

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  • Snowy Thanksgiving

    The drive home from Scott AFB earlier this evening proved particularly sporting: just enough snow and low temperature to make things a tad slickery. Passed one big wreck on IL 15 heading west towards I-255 (both large SUVs, apparently they played bumper car) plus three pretty good-sized accidents on I-55 north of I-270, which of…

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  • WX or Not…

    Belay my last, just checked the weather forecast for the coming 10 days and it looks like we’ll get a few more opportunities to actually engage in no-kidding-top-down-motoring: Fri 28 Nov – high of 49, low of 38, severe clear! Sat 29 Nov – high of 49, low of 45, partly cloudy, as of right…

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  • Launch the All-Weather HSD

    You know, when the temperature towards the end of November hits 60 or slightly over, you darn near HAVE to get the LBC out for a run. However, one look at the overcast Sat AM and I made the decision to leave the top up; that turned out to be a darn good thing, as…

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