The Bear Is Loose


0800 on a Sunday morning, temperature already at 55 (in February! You gotta love these Midwest winters…), looks like partly cloudy, guess I’d better head out the door with my Nikon in a few minutes and start looking for The Bear. Obviously, this year, there’s not much “Polar” involved!

If per chance anyone’s reading this early on a Sunday morning who has never participated in SLTOA’s annual season-opening Polar Bear Run, here’s your big chance to take advantage of the great conditions. Meet at 0930 at your choice of the commuter lot at MO 94 and I-64/US 40, or at the Dierberg’s in Wildwood, south side of MO 100, east of MO 109. Just look for all of the LBCs (and, knowing this crowd, probably a couple of BMWs!).

Expect another report this evening. Right now yr fthfl ed has to head out the door…