Uff-Da! Polar Bear Postponed!

The word just went out via the SLTOA members’ email group, if any of y’all who read this hadn’t heard, the club’s annual kick-off event, the Polar Bear Run, has been postponed from Sunday 9 Feb to Sunday 6 Feb.

For those out of the area, greater St Louis received between three and eight inches of snow yesterday (Tues) afternoon and this morning. While the main roads are now in pretty good shape, a lot of the neighborhood streets and secondaries are still a mess. With temps expected to remain in the low-to-mid 20s (at best!) into next week, and what with the rather, er, challenging aspect of portions of the Polar Bear route, the club leadership decided it was best to postpone. By next weekend we should have several days of sunny weather and temperatures pushing towards 40, which should make the proceedings a tad more feasible.

More in a couple of evenings…