Springtime in North Dakota, eh?

What with the temperature pushing 70 (!) yesterday, YFE came THIS CLOSE to putting the top down on the High-Speed Doorstop and going out for the second or third “No Kidding Last Rort of the Year” drive. Ah, but between choir practice and a requirement to get the Christmas lights up, I flat ran out of time. As is, when the choir adjourned at Twin Oaks around 1630L, it was painfully apparent that driving a front-engine, rear-wheel-drive V8 with top down (or up, for that matter), was wholly out of the question.

The bigger surprise came this morning: temps down some 40 degrees from yesterday and 1/8 to 1/4 inch of ice on the Kia, driveway, streets, etc. Talk about an uff-da moment…took 20 minutes to hack the ice off the car, salted the driveway so my child bride could get her car out of the garage and down to the street and then cautiously made the 41-mile commute to work at an avg speed of about 40-45 mph. No major thang, just being careful and fortunately, most everyone else on the roads treated the situation the same, ie, with caution (obviously, being St Louis, there were still plenty of accidents on the freeways).

So that’s it, no more TR drives until 8 February’s Polar Bear, at the earliest.

Uh, waitaminit…possible 50+ degrees this coming Sunday? Hmmm….