
Land Rover Lk Oswego 150327

Sighted one interesting RLBC (Rather Large British Car) today, across the street from the motel in Lake Oswego, see the photo.  Otherwise, the usual smattering of Jags and Range Rovers, as well as an Aztek Of Many Colors…just about every body panel was a replacement and it was quite colorful, unfortunately I couldn’t get to the camera in time as we boomed down I-84.

One observation about Portland-area drivers. Obviously, in St Louis, few people use their turn signals but more often than not, at least the driver who’s coming into your lane will make sure there’s adequate room before sliding on over (yes, there are exceptions).  Here, they do things a little differently: I’ve seen plenty of cases of people hitting their turn signals and immediately moving over without checking their 3-6 o’clock positions. Apparently, “the signal’s on, get out of my way.”

Had one case in particular where the driver of an Acura meandered here, meandered there in front of yours truly, lined up to turn right at a major intersection and then turned left in front of YFE and a couple of other cars, lined up to go straight at the next intersection and then, without warning (save for the sudden appearance of the turn signal), decided to turn right, nearly collecting me in the process. Great fun…and yes, I immediately laid on the rental Nissan’s horn, which apparently caused the Acura driver great distress and offense to her sensibilities.

Other than that, incredibly nice day hereabouts and when I wasn’t dealing with massive traffic jams on I-5 and I-205, really good views of Mounts Hood and St Helens.  Gotta admit, no strong desire to move back to the Pacific Northwest but it does have its attractions…