There’s an old saying, something to the effect of “life is what happens while you’re planning something else.” Well, today (Sunday 09 Oct) was the BSCC autocross and after two weekends of work on the TR8 at Maneke’s Garage, this was my first real chance to wring out the car, in and around a return to autocrossing after a few week layoff.
Did the first run semi-sedately in order to get the feel of the course, attacked the second run a tad more energetically and knocked four seconds off my time (YEAH-US!). Hmmm…noted the temp gauge read a little higher than normal, popped the hood to give the engine a chance to cool. Then another driver came over and said, “Uh, you’re cars leaking fluid big time.”
Two runs and out, followed by a tow back to my house to mull over the next series of repairs/replacement. Not exactly what I’d planned…Hopefully it’s a hose failure, next level is remove the radiator and get it fixed/re-cored. In the end, if necessary, buy a replacement.
Stay tuned.