• BTW…

    Southbound on MO 141 near St Luke’s, Saturday afternoon.

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  • Toys for Tots Run

    Quite a day yesterday, as a good number of SLTOA members and their Triumphs (as well as a few other cars, including a really nice 1960 Jaguar Mk2 2.4L) turned out in great weather for the club’s first Toys for Tots delivery run. Organized by Chief Elf Bonnie (with the assistance husband Santa Jack) and…

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  • LBC Sighting!

    Apparently SLTOA spans a wider area than we realized; thanks to Bob S of Chesapeake Beach, Maryland, who sent in this great photo of an MGB GT. He took the photo in Prince Frederick; nice shot, eh?

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  • On the Road Again…

    Never know what you’re going to see when you stop at a QT in Independence…

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  • The Search for LBCs…

    …continues this week from the Alabama Gulf Coast, where rebuild and recovery operations continue post-Hurricane Sally. Lots of piles of debris everywhere, lots of disaster cleanup specialists working and a lot of buildings that received damage. Regret to say, in the week we’ve been down here, I haven’t seen one LBC, save for a couple…

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  • 7th Annual Lake Garnett Grand Prix Revival

    Greetings from Garnett, Kansas, where it’s been a long day and processing photos is making for a late night. I made the trip from St Louis to attend and photograph the LGGPR, observed annually in commemoration of Lake Garnett Park’s status as the site of SCCA racing between 1958 and 1972. The turnout was incredible,…

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  • Meanwhile, at Family Arena

    Earlier today, SCCA Solo II/autocross event No. 6 at Family Arena in St Charles and the usual assortment of highly entertaining vehicles, fast drivers, chills, thrills and the occasional spin-out. And yeah, while I’m the owner of an LBC and proponent of competing in autocrosses in old sports cars, I have to admit: with the…

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  • No-Show Drive

    BTW, yesterday – Saturday, 19 September – would’ve brought the 39th or so rendition of the All British Car & Cycle Show, organized/hosted by the MG Club of St Louis. Ah, but with multiple restrictions still in effect in St Louis County and reasonable concerns about large groups of people in close proximity, the MG…

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  • Fall, Arriving

    The first day of fall is officially tomorrow, but this weekend’s been incredible and very fall-like. It seems like a lot of owners are taking advantage of the temps in the low 70s and clear skies to get out and about in their highly entertaining cars. Case in point, I saw, in sequence, a Triumph…

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  • So, How’d You Spend Your Saturday?

    Two months since the TR8’s been on the road, down for an electrical malady (surprising, I know 🙂 . My ace mechanic stepson and an equally talented friend did the initial troubleshooting a couple of weeks back but today I called in the master: Creig from SLTOA. I’ll tell you, when you’re of particular skill…

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