• Non-Driving Weather

    Bit of a layoff here at the SLTOA blog, primarily a function of long hours at work and a few other issues, slings and arrow but nothing particularly intense. As YFE sits here a line of those classic Midwestern thunderstorms have arrived over the rancho de la familia and it looks like this could be…

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  • Driving Weather

    My oh my, absolutely perfect day for an excursion and while I wasn’t able to take part in the entire MaiFest run to Hermann (thanks for setting it up, President Lowe!), YFE had fun getting photos and some commentary at the start point out in Wildwood. For the record,12 cars, the majority Triumphs but the…

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  • Finally, an LBC…

    For the return trip, I drove from Bowie, MD to Logansport, IN (via western Maryland, far northeastern Ohio and then down through Lima to Terre Haute, IN) with a fair amount of interstate travel, interspersed with extended stretches of two-lane US highways including the Lincoln Highway.  During the course of the two-day run, saw a number…

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  • The Winner!

    As mentioned above, YFE saw several interesting cars and one LBC on the return drive from Bowie, MD, over 8-9 May. However, this one took the prize as THE Most Entertaining Vehicle of the eight-day patrol back east: a dual-ended 1948 Crosley, parked out back of the Dog ‘n Suds in Lafayette, IN. You know,…

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  • Defensive Driving?

    Yeah, I admit, this obviously isn’t an LBC but, seeing as the duty SLTOA Marine has a Corvette, I thought I’d throw this out there. One YFE’s oldest Naval Aviation buds also recently acquired his dream ‘Vette, followed by the requisite pilgrimage to Bowling Green, KY. While there, he was able to participate in some…

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  • Cheesesteak Heaven!

    Still in Maryland, but with a break in the action yesterday I managed a lap of greater Philadelphia, pretty much an all-day event in and around dodging rain showers. The intended targets included a former air defense missile site east of Philadelphia (operative phrase for that part of the trip: “New Jersey…AND, safely home again”),…

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  • Out Standing In My Field

    Yup, YFE’s on patrol again although this time I’ve ranged a tad farther afield than usual: 885.8 miles in one day (14.7 hrs, to be exact), which put me in Bowie, MD. Without going into personal details, I’ll just say I received multiple phone calls Thursday afternoon concerning a family medical emergency and departed greater…

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  • But Wait, There’s More!

    Following in the general theme of the last post, here’s a link to an online article in MSN Autos: http://editorial.autos.msn.com/15-most-boring-cars-money-can-buy?icid=autos_ 5435#2 If there’s one thing you can say about Triumphs in particular and LBCs in general, they are NEVER boring. Frustrating, annoying, infuriating, etc on occasion, but never boring. Drive ’em!

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  • “Monotony Motors”

    Yup, I periodically stray off the reservation and comment on auto-related subjects not specifically related to LBCs in general or Triumphs in particular. This is another one of those instances…sort of. Any reader of the blog is familiar with periodic commentary on modern vehicle styling. Anyone who has observed US and foreign vehicles the past…

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  • Brock Yates

    Another week, another road trip, in this case to Bowling Green, KY; sad to say, a funeral for a family member provided the impetus for this particular travel. I will say I did the standard watch for LBCs on the drive down from St Louis but, with the weather marginal at best and steadily wet,…

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