• Best Laid Plans…

    Middle of January and we have a two-day break from the cold weather. Pushing the mid-40s, partly cloudy skies, perfect opportunity to get the High Speed Doorstop (HSD; my ’80 TR8) out for a local recce run, right? Perhaps take in a nice sunset from Queeny Park? Wouldn’t you know it: spent a couple of…

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  • Getting Caught Up: Fall Colours Drive 2023

    On 21 October, another great Fall Colours Drive, organized once again by Ed Kaizer. We had perfect weather and a turnout of about 20 people, driving seven Triumphs, two MGs, two Miatas, an Austin-Healey 100, one Morgan, one first-gen Mustang and a couple of SUVs. The route took us from the McDonalds in Alton up…

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  • Oh by the way….

    Thanks to our webmaster, the blog is back up so I’m going to take this opportunity to post information on the upcoming South Central Region, Vintage Triumph Register (VTR) confab scheduled here locally for the end of May/first of June. Titled “A Confluence of Triumphs” with sponsorship by It’s Alive Automotive (other sponsors to be…

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  • Happy New Year!

    I’ve lived in the Midwest three times, Nebraska, North Dakota and now 14.5 years in St Louis, Missouri. I cannot recall a New Year’s Day where the temperature hit 60 degrees but shoot, time to get the HSD out on a local patrol, eh? Ended up spending about an hour behind the wheel, absolutely perfect…

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  • LBC Sighting, Chester County, TN, Edition!

    On the road again, earlier today while driving through downtown Henderson, TN, I spied what looked like a Nissan 280ZX parked behind an auto shop. Went back there, wondering what else might be in the lot and how ’bout that, a 68-74 Midget! Despite being on the ground, it actually looked to be in good…

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  • LBEV Sighting, Multnomah County Edition!

    Yup, another road trip, this time the annual trek to the Pacific Northwest for a visit with kids and grandkids. As per usual I’ve kept an eye out for classic LBCs, such as Triumphs, MGs, Healeys, etc. Regrettably, as I prepare for my return to St Louis, haven’t seen any other than a possible MGB…

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  • LBC Sighting, Pima County Edition!

    Was prowling around Ryan Airfield this morning, 14 miles west of Tucson on the Ajo Highway, looking for interesting aircraft…and doggone, hit the daily double on LBCs! Long as I’m at it, later that evening I stumbled across this at a In and Out Burger up on east Broadway.

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  • All British Car & Cycle Show

    Once again, the third Saturday of September brought out the LBC faithful to the All British Car & Cycle Show at Creve Couer Lake Park. Organized by the MG Club of St Louis, the event drew about 165 cars this year, under perfect blue skies and reasonable temperatures. This year’s gathering celebrated the 60th anniversary…

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  • LBC Sighting!

    Figures…spent 2.5 of the last three weeks on the road, two trips (ND/SD/MT/WY/CO, followed by TN) and had a heckuva time tracking down and photographing LBCs. Sooo, naturally, I have to return to St Louis to see one or actually two: Creig H’s F Production Spitfire at today’s Boeing Sports Car Club autocross as well…

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  • The Good, the Bad and…

    Day four of the patrol of North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Montana and Colorado and, regret to say, still no LBCs. Shoot, haven’t even seen a Jaguar, let alone an example of some other classic British make. Ah, but there are still four days remaining in this sojourn, including a couple of days IVO Denver,…

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