• LIC Sighting!

    As in “Little Irish Car.”   Observed on OR 99W in Tigard, Oregon, earlier today.

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  • 7th Annual Vet’s Run

      Today we have temps plummeting, snow coming down (hey, Midwest in November, go figure) and tomorrow’s commute will undoubtedly prove challenging. But, yesterday, Sunday 10 November, we had severe clear and a high in the mid-60s, perfect for the annual drive down to Chester to raise funds for a vet’s group. And what a…

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  • TRials!

    I’ll tell you what, when 6-Pack – the national club for TR250 and TR6 owners – throws a party or a confab, they really know what they’re doing! Titled “TRials,” this year’s annual gathering took place here in St Louis, with the crowd staging out of the Doubletree at Westport Plaza; the event coordinator was…

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  • Just Passing Through…

    Never know what you’re going to see on I-44 westbound…

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  • It’s A Wrap: 38th Annual ABCCS

    And another great show/gathering it was.  While we had a bit of light drizzle late in the morning, the weather otherwise cooperated (okay, okay, it was overcast until late afternoon, but that kept the temperature down) and a large crowd thoroughly enjoyed the collection of about 200 British cars. Not surprising considering its status as…

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  • All British Cycle & Show Car Show

    Just a week to go before the 38th annual iteration of the BIG All British Car & Cycle Show, hosted by the MG Club of St Louis.  SLTOA’s taking a break from handling the food concession (which’ll give our members more opportunities to relax and enjoy the show), so don’t be surprised if a couple…

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  • The Automobile As Art X

    …and, to top the Texas van, this home built camper is submitted for your consideration.  Would’ve prefered a down-sun shout but with my desire to emphasis the back of the camper body, this was the best I could do.  Next you know it, we’ll stumble across the Magic Bus and possibly a group of Merry…

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  • The Automobile As Art IX

    Saw this at the Scott AFB commissary a couple of weeks back…the operative phrase apparently is “Don’t Mess With…”

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  • Picknicking

    Well yes, about 26 of us had a grand time at the annual SLTOA picnic, on 25 August at Vlasis Park off Manchester. And yes, it did rain…a bit…okay, a lot. Still, good turnout (and a fun short drive in advance), great food and great conversations.

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  • Followed by another tech session…

    Saturday, 17 August, and the SLTOA faithful once again made the trek to It’s Alive Automotive for a tech session.   Another good turn out, great information on the care and feeding of LBCs with plenty of back-and-forth between the participants…and, as always, a lot of meandering about, looking at It’s Alive’s remarkable assortment of vehicles,…

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