• Yes, We’re Back….

    After a two-month crash resulting from tech issues, this blog has returned. Ah, but with the COVID-19/WuFlu shut-downs, not a lot has been going on vis a vis Triumph club (or other specialty interest car club) activities. Hopefully, all who read this blog and your families have remained healthy and clear, here in Missouri things…

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  • Polar Bear Pt 2

    Great day…I expect we’ll be talking about this one for a long time. Here are a few of the shots from Polar Bear Run 2020.

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  • Polar Bear Pt. 1

    Outstanding Polar Bear Run yesterday (Sunday, 16 February), continuing a 37-year tradition dating to the formation of the St Louis Triumph Owners Association in 1983. What with the incredible weather, we probably set a record with 29 cars and around 37-38 participants.  I’m going to check the back issues of Exhaust Notes to come up…

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  • Meanwhile, Back at the Garage

    This time?  Throttle cable failed, and the power steering pump starting, well, pumping copious amounts of fluid.  Won’t get the car done by this Sunday’s (9 Feb) Polar Bear Run, should have it done before the end of the month.

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  • The SLTOA Crew

    First weekend of February, severe clear skies and temp in the low 70s, wat’cha gonna do? Right, put out a call to the local Triumph faithful for a photo shoot.  We got a good mix of cars and drivers at the staging point, Straub’s Market at Clayton and Mason (from the left, Iggy, TR6; Aidan…

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  • How’d That Get In My Garage?

    Great thing about having a mechanic for a son: getting work done on the TR8 now takes up a lot less time.  We do some project together and others he tackles by himself; in return, he gets to drive the car whenever he likes (although obviously, at this time of year, excursions are limited). AND,…

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  • Happy New Year!

    Wednesday, 01 January 2020 and it’s 58 degrees outside under severe clear.  Anyone else get out for a drive?

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  • The Automobile As Art XI

    Subtle, but appropriate, seeing as I spied this Mustang in Kansas City.  Sad to say, the post-World Series champ Royals have had a time of it the last few years…

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  • Christmas Party

    Traditional last event of the season for the St Louis Triumph Owners Association, held last night (Saturday 14 December), fortunately in advance of the arrival of two days of snow and ice.  Once again the party took place at the Missouri Athletic Club-West and again, we enjoyed great service, great food and great fun. Club…

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  • BBC Sighting!

    1978 Jaguar XJ6, parked in front of the old Scenic Winds Motel on US 30 in Ainsworth, Oregon, near the Columbia River. Only $1500!

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