• Admire the Hills Drive

    Attention all who may be reading this, particularly if you live in the St Louis/Metro East area (or within reasonable distance of StL). If you’re looking for something fun to do on Sunday, 15 August, SLTOA members are making a drive to Hermann for some quality time at the Stone HIll Winery (to include a…

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  • Once More Unto the Breach!

    Yeah, I’ve been rather delinquent in posting content on this blog but rest assured, the local Triumph Faithful have remained very busy as we’ve moved into the hot/humid days of summer (w/ the occasional massive thunderstorm, natch). For example, on Tuesday, 19 July, a bunch of us did the annual gathering in a member’s back…

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  • Summertime, and the living is easy…

    Beautiful weekend, great weather (okay, okay, a tad warm) and how do you spend your time? Yup, working on the TR8 again, utilizing a number of tools and the convenient rolling work table. The brake lights failure still has me stumped but the effort continues, resuming next weekend. Best case, I get the lights fixed…

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  • When In the Northwest

    I mentioned travel in the previous blog…if you’re reading this and are in the vicinity of Vancouver, Washington/Portland, Oregon, drop by Commonwealth Classics Ltd, located at 1613 E 4th Street (to the immediate east of Vancouver Barracks National Historic Site). Second Sunday of each month, the owner hosts “Classics & Coffee,” always a good turnout…

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  • Before We Were So Rudely Interrupted…

    Yup, roughly six months from the last post, the result of a few technical issues and increasing, post-pandemic travel, official and otherwise. Anyway, the local clubs are getting back on the road and resuming in-person meetings (yahoo!) and we’ll make an effort to resume regular posts in this forum concerning SLTOA activities plus whatever else…

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  • BTW…

    Southbound on MO 141 near St Luke’s, Saturday afternoon.

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  • Toys for Tots Run

    Quite a day yesterday, as a good number of SLTOA members and their Triumphs (as well as a few other cars, including a really nice 1960 Jaguar Mk2 2.4L) turned out in great weather for the club’s first Toys for Tots delivery run. Organized by Chief Elf Bonnie (with the assistance husband Santa Jack) and…

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  • LBC Sighting!

    Apparently SLTOA spans a wider area than we realized; thanks to Bob S of Chesapeake Beach, Maryland, who sent in this great photo of an MGB GT. He took the photo in Prince Frederick; nice shot, eh?

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  • On the Road Again…

    Never know what you’re going to see when you stop at a QT in Independence…

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  • The Search for LBCs…

    …continues this week from the Alabama Gulf Coast, where rebuild and recovery operations continue post-Hurricane Sally. Lots of piles of debris everywhere, lots of disaster cleanup specialists working and a lot of buildings that received damage. Regret to say, in the week we’ve been down here, I haven’t seen one LBC, save for a couple…

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