• Voulez vous?

    Yet another extended patrol – more like a two-week “deployment” – to the vicinity of Bowie and Annapolis, MD. This one came up rather quickly but I did manage to work on an alternative route: instead of the direct-to-Baltimore I-70, I instead made a sweep somewhat to the south, using I-64 to Charleston, WV, then…

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  • First Comes Sun, Then Comes Rain…

    Don’t know about the rest of y’all but thanks to the recent seemingly non-stop lines of thunderstorms and rain have turned the front yard of the estate into a lush green paradise. I might – emphasize, MIGHT – be able to get out there and actually mow tomorrow afternoon if everything dries out. Fortunately, the…

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  • Not All Wedges Are Created Equal…

    Doggone if a couple of days ago I actually saw a Mercury Capri out on the road. Not the original German Ford-built car sold over here from 1971 to 1974, nor the alternative Mustang, produced from 1979 through 1986. No, we’re talking the Australian-built wedge-shaped convertible, sold from 1991 to 1994. Well, it wasn’t exactly…

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  • Happy Fourth!

    Good grief, I’m apparently falling down on the job: nearly one month between posts. Just hope everyone had an enjoyable (and safe) Fourth of July yesterday and also hope everyone’s been taking advantage of the incredibly great weather greater St Louis has enjoyed over the past few days. Final comment for the night: out on…

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  • Calm Between the Storms

    Yup, more weather-related content (hey, I used to fly with the Navy; weather was always something you monitored). As of this moment there’s another line of storms coming in… BUT, yesterday was an absolutely gorgeous day and yr fthfl ed took the opportunity to head out on the road with members of the Gateway Volvos.…

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  • Non-Driving Weather

    Bit of a layoff here at the SLTOA blog, primarily a function of long hours at work and a few other issues, slings and arrow but nothing particularly intense. As YFE sits here a line of those classic Midwestern thunderstorms have arrived over the rancho de la familia and it looks like this could be…

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  • Driving Weather

    My oh my, absolutely perfect day for an excursion and while I wasn’t able to take part in the entire MaiFest run to Hermann (thanks for setting it up, President Lowe!), YFE had fun getting photos and some commentary at the start point out in Wildwood. For the record,12 cars, the majority Triumphs but the…

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  • Finally, an LBC…

    For the return trip, I drove from Bowie, MD to Logansport, IN (via western Maryland, far northeastern Ohio and then down through Lima to Terre Haute, IN) with a fair amount of interstate travel, interspersed with extended stretches of two-lane US highways including the Lincoln Highway.  During the course of the two-day run, saw a number…

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  • The Winner!

    As mentioned above, YFE saw several interesting cars and one LBC on the return drive from Bowie, MD, over 8-9 May. However, this one took the prize as THE Most Entertaining Vehicle of the eight-day patrol back east: a dual-ended 1948 Crosley, parked out back of the Dog ‘n Suds in Lafayette, IN. You know,…

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  • Defensive Driving?

    Yeah, I admit, this obviously isn’t an LBC but, seeing as the duty SLTOA Marine has a Corvette, I thought I’d throw this out there. One YFE’s oldest Naval Aviation buds also recently acquired his dream ‘Vette, followed by the requisite pilgrimage to Bowling Green, KY. While there, he was able to participate in some…

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