• Observations

    Sighted one interesting RLBC (Rather Large British Car) today, across the street from the motel in Lake Oswego, see the photo.  Otherwise, the usual smattering of Jags and Range Rovers, as well as an Aztek Of Many Colors…just about every body panel was a replacement and it was quite colorful, unfortunately I couldn’t get to…

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  • PacNorWest

      Greetings all from Lake Oswego, on the south side of Portland. Four days into this return trip to the Pacific Northwest; Seattle served as the starting point, we’ve worked our way south and later this evening will head west to the Oregon coast for major stop No. 2. So far have seen one Jaguar…

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  • Alas and Alack!

    Well, I swapped out the starter relay on the HSD following the arrival of a new replacement from British Parts Northwest…and the TR8 still won’t start.  I figured the starter wasn’t getting any electricity as it didn’t make any sound or motion when the key was turned and thereby assumed I’d start with the relay. …

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  • Spring?!

    Would like to remind everyone that five days ago the high was in the 20s and we were looking at the prospects of more snow…funny thing about this particular winter, most of the snowfall did actually take place in March (ah, the joys of life in the Midwest!). BUT, as we locals all know, spring…

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  • Holy Cow, What A Day!

    The Southern Patrol arriving at the Washington, MO, rally point.  Photo by John Testrake.   For the record (and probably an event for the SLTOA record books): temps in the mid-60s, severe clear by mid-day, 43 participants from multiple clubs (predominately SLTOA and the MG Club of St Louis), 6 Spitfires, 1 Spit6, 2 TR7s,…

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  • The Bear Is Loose

    0800 on a Sunday morning, temperature already at 55 (in February! You gotta love these Midwest winters…), looks like partly cloudy, guess I’d better head out the door with my Nikon in a few minutes and start looking for The Bear. Obviously, this year, there’s not much “Polar” involved! If per chance anyone’s reading this…

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  • Not Out!

    Rats…four days straight of 50+ but the HSD is definitely hard down; time to get into the Moss catalog and order a replacement relay for the starter, hopefully that’ll get power to the starter and get me back on the road. And, seeing as it’s SLTOA meeting night, I’ll ask my fellow Wedgeheads (as distinguished…

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  • Out!

    Just checked (Sat 17 Jan/1206L), the weather guessers are calling for a high of 60 today with severe clear. Methinks I need to check the TR8 and see if the starter relay prefers warmer weather. More to follow…

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  • Fun Drive This AM

    It ain’t so much the snow – which is minimal, although the eastbound transition to the Poplar Street Bridge was sporting – but today we’re looking at a lot of wind and plunging temperatures, so y’all be careful out there. Reports are the St Louis area will have a wind chill somewhere in the -10…

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  • The Prince of Darkness Strikes!

    Back when I had the World Famous Rolling Red Parts Car (WFRRPC) in the garage, any time the temp got above 45 or so during the winter, I’d take the car out for a quick run…top down, no heater but hey, it was fun, you just dress appropriately, eh? Well, today it got up into…

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