• One Man’s Treasure…

    No, the owner’s name was not Max Rockatansky   Seen at the Sonic Cruise earlier this evening.   A bunch of us watched him pull in and attempted to identify the various cars which, er, contributed to the project; best we could tell, he started with a ’57 Ford and added the grill and surrounds from…

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  • Sonic Friday Night

    I tell you, the-every-Friday night car cruise at the Big Bend & Kirkwood Sonic – organized by the Outsiders Car Club – is a royal hoot.  Not a big group, perhaps 40-50, cars but quite an eclectic collection with a lot of friendly people. Three of us carried the LBC flag tonight (four if you…

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  • On the Track

    Okay, first autocross in well over a year and I’ll be the first to admit, my reflexes aren’t what they were 44 years when I first started running events like this in Tucson, AZ BUT, I can say this: I did NOT have the oldest car there (that was Dave’s ’71 TR6) and I was…

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  • PMCF

    Here comes Dan…that’s a McLaren on his six.   Did the post-maintenance check flight with the TR8 Friday night following our last session and hoo-hah, the car ran good (well, it is a TR8, so it tends to buck and snort and make loud obnoxious noises). Even made a point of stopping at my favorite…

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  • Run Before the Storm

    Fifth and last session earlier tonight, “only” about two hours worth and the HSD is buttoned up and ready to run again. I learned several things during our 14 or so total hours of replacing the starter, doing the wiring repairs (more accurately, restoration) and putting the right cat converter back on. They included A)…

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  • Victory!

    I swear, Creig Houghtaling is a genius…or at least, as an engineer, he’s more capable of logical thought when it comes to understanding automotive electrical systems than yours truly.  It took three sessions totaling about nine hours (plus a couple of attempts by myself, which totaled maybe two hours), but as of 1945L this day,…

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  • Picnicking!

    1930 Ford Speedster, all set up and ready to go for The Great Race…   Yeah, I know, the weather guessers are calling for a chance of periodic thunderstorms these next two days (just checked the wx radar, nearest TBs are down by Branson) but doggone, what a gorgeous weekend. The convertibles are out in…

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  • The Legendary “Mystery Wire”

    Well, another multi-hour marathon with Creig in advance of oncoming storms and once again, he applied his superior TR/tech skills while I attended (and learned). End result: the new starter is in, hooked up…and the HSD still won’t start. It would appear the old starter wasn’t the problem but, if nothing else, a new gear…

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  • Plan B

    A week ago Thursday, ex-prez Creig – bless him! – was over here for three full hours, troubleshooting the electrics/non-starting-starter on the TR8 while providing yours truly with a great education on, well, Lucas electrics.  Regret to say, by 9 PM we still hadn’t figured out the problem, so the HSD got to spend yet…

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  • Lewes British Motorcar Show

    One of the neat things about the east coast is being able to run through towns which date back some 400 years or thereabouts.   Founded in 1631, Lewes, Delaware, is like a lot of these old communities in that the town has a well preserved, historic downtown area with a mix of residential and commercial.…

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