• Western Swing Day 11: BBC Sighting

    Submitted for your consideration: a Rolls-Royce, parked out of the Nugget on I-80 in Sparks.  The Nugget’s hosted the annual Tailhook convention every year since 1994, I started coming in 1995.  BTW, this classic British vehicle is undoubtedly owned by a retired Navy fighter pilot; the F11F1 license plate is the giveaway. This marks the…

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  • Western Swing Day 8: Capitalism!

    Ah, the spirit of American free enterprise: photo taken at the only real business in Amargosa Valley, up US 95 from Las Vegas en route to Tonopah.  Yes, the town is close to the fabled Area 51, it’s also close to the Nevada Test Site. Read the signs over the two entrances carefully…(and if you…

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  • Western Wing Day 8: LBC Sighting!

    Having successfully delivered mother-in-law to her airplane at Las Vegas’ McCarran International Airport for the flight back to St Louis, YFE got a little turned around trying to leave the airport and get out of the city. And what should appear in an industrial area at the south end of the field? A garage/auto body…

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  • Western Swing Day 5: The Big Ditch

    Four visits to Grand Canyon National Park in the last 40 years and the view still takes one’s breath away…

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  • Western Swing Day 6: No LBCs

    Day six in Williams, AZ; between that city (which is heavily into US 66 lore and souvenirs) and Grand Canyon National Park, the usual assortment of Minis, Jaguars and Range Rovers, but no LBCs, so we’re stuck with what’s in the photo.  On to Reno!

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  • Western Swing Day 5: The Long March

    Alamogordo to Williams, AZ, 540 miles, 9.5 hours, no LBC sightings but did get in a 30-mile stretch of the original US 66 west of Los Lunas, NM.  Otherwise, the search continues!

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  • Western Swing Day 4: LFC Sighting!

    Submitted for your consideration, in Alamogordo: a Simca Aronde 1300 wagon. Yeah, she needs a little work, but other than that she’s cherry….

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  • Western Swing Day 4: Watch for Falling Objects

    What with Alamogordo’s proximity to Holloman AFB and the White Sands Missile Range, there’s a very strong rocket/missile/space exploration theme throughout the city. Case in point, these two signs. No idea what the lead rocket formerly advertised and obviously the sign’s seen better days, but it now marks a local VW specialist. That’s a VW…

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  • Western Swing Day 4: LBC Sighting!

    FOUND ‘EM! Triumphs! Okay, so they need a little work…spied at North 54 Salvage (“We Buy Junk Cars”) on the north side of Alamogordo, NM. You can also see two AMC (Austin) Metros, a Hudson and what looks like a Ford Ranchero in the background.

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  • Western Swing Day 3: Geronimo’s Cadillac

    Backing up a bit, when we flew into Albuquerque IAP and checked in at Hertz, all we were looking for was a car large enough to comfortably haul the Mother-in-Law of Morganstein around for a few days, with enough room in the trunk for three large suitcases plus a few smaller items. The guy at…

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