• Center Ice Days 6-7: Homeward Bound

    No LBCs…but apparently I caught Dr Who getting driving lessons…   Not much to add to the last two days of this road trip: up early on Monday heading up the Oregon coast via US 101, across the Columbia to Raymond/South Bend and then inland to Olympia, a left turn onto I-5 and my last…

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  • Center Ice Days 4-5: LBC Sighting

    Y’all know how it goes…take a week or so off to do the important stuff in life like visiting kids/grandkids/exotic locales, etc.  Then you return to work and doggoned if your boss and coworkers present you with a list of demands, ie, stuff that should’ve been taken care of during your absence.  Makes for long…

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  • Center Ice Day 3: VICTORY!

    After a rather long day on both sides of the Columbia River, I was all prepared to run the photo above, make a comment of “neat/interesting American heavy metal parts/car dealership in Vancouver” and move on to day four of the search for Northwestern LBCs. Then, much to my surprise, at the corner of WA…

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  • Center Ice Day 2: Doing That Clackamas Thing

    Pulled a 20-hour day yesterday followed by 10 hours of sleep, therefore YFE was somewhat lucid when he pulled out this AM to check in with daughter No. 2 and her family down in Wilsonville.   Stopped at a mini-mart to get the morning Diet Pepsi, looked across the street (OR 204/212) and saw a business…

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  • Center Ice Day 1: Back on the Road

    No, not British, but rather unique and rare: a Datsun 510 wagon, seen in Woodland, WA.  Didn’t get the camera unlimbered in time to shoot the front of the car; a Japanese flag dominates the hood.   Wednesday, 7 October: started the day in St Louis with an oh-dark-thirty drive to Lambert, spent the middle…

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  • Fulton Overnighter

    Hoo-hah, great weekend trip, even if YFE had to depart early Saturday afternoon while the rest of the crew spent the night in Fulton.  From all reports, those who stayed that evening, had dinner together and breakfast the next AM prior to the return to St Louis had a seriously large time. We (the Kressers,…

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  • Sunday’s Autocross

    I’ve lost track of which autocross this actually was in the Boeing Sports Car Club series BUT, despite the solid overcast and cool temps, a good number of drivers and cars turned out for the 4 October event.  John Maneke and Creig Houghtaling carried the flag for SLTOA in their, well, ‘Vettes but Lee Fox…

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  • All British, All Day, All Great

    For the starters, here are the numbers for yesterday’s 34th Annual St Louis All British Car & Cycle Show: 188 registered, 181 took the field.  The weather was absolutely perfect, at least until 3 PM and the awards ceremony (although the ABCCS ceremony traditionally doesn’t stand much on, well, ceremony), when the clouds came in…

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  • Quite A Day

    While fall’s moving into the area and we’re all maybe a couple of months from parking our cars in the garage, disconnecting the battery, etc for the winter, the events continue to pile up, providing lots of opportunities for owners to go on drives, do cruises and shows, etc.  In fact, between now and roughly…

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  • One for the Road

      For the motorcycle owners in SLTOA, plus the duty Marine (note the flag on the rear Harley).  Saw these at our motel in Williams, Arizona; the pink hog is, no surprise, “Miss Piggy”

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