• Decisions, Decisions…

    Tuesday night (the 24th), got home from work early enough to enjoy a couple of hours of remaining daylight.  Despite my desire to the TR8 out one more time before winter truly set in, I figured my time would be better served by cleaning the leaves off the lawn one last time. Mulled over this…

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  • Move Over…

    There’s a new open-top sports car on the block….sort of… On Wednesday, 18 November at the Los Angeles Auto Show, Fiat debuted its new 124 Spider, marking the return of the model to the US market after a 33 year absence (following Fiat’s abandonment of the North American market, Pininfarina sold the car as the…

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  • Veterans Day Drive

    Yesterday (Sunday) SLTOA did its third annual Veterans Day Drive, down to Chester via a combination of Bluff Road and some more challenging routes, across the river to Perryville, lunch at Stonie’s Deli and then home. We done good: about 15 SLTOA members and 10 cars, constituting a pretty eclectic mix: three TR6s, a TR8,…

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  • LBC Sighting!

    The 1974 TR6 of SLTOA’s own Iggy, at a local Schnucks.   Iggy said he was taking advantage of the incredibly great weather while also doing a final test drive in advance of tomorrow’s SLTOA Vet’s Day Run.   As if often the case with our LBCs, after he went into the store a couple of people…

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  • Hydroplane Races

    Excuse me while I set the rant mode to “active.” We had a couple of days of rain last week, including one evening where the stuff really started coming down, during rush hour.   That resulted in the classic situation where the sky and road effectively merged into gray, a combination of the precipitation and the…

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  • Hard Core…

    Walked out my building today (no windows and thus no idea what’s going on outside) and was surprised to find solid overcast with a threat of rain.  Cripes, I thought the duty weather guessers had said no rain until Thursday at the earliest.   Ah well… BUT, one individual out in the parking lot didn’t let…

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  • Last Autocross of the Season

    Actually, two last autocrosses; the St Louis Region of the SCCA held its final event last Sunday (25 Oct) and yesterday the gala (?) final Boeing Sports Car Club parking lot grand prix for 2015. For the SCCA, a pretty eclectic mix of cars, including the early 1970s Ford Maverick – subtly modified for autocrossing),…

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  • One Man’s Custom, Rd II

    Out with Gateway VCOA today in our XC90 for their annual fall colors drive, which ran right up old US 66 to Hamel and then back via Country Classic Cars in near Staunton. This, believe it or not, started out as a 1965 Dodge Dart (note the “roll bar,” formed from the B-pillar and a…

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  • The Search for the Piasa Bird

    Obviously, this time of year, the days are variable where weather’s concerned.  However, last Saturday, following Cars & Coffee, four SLTOA members in three Triumphs (Spitfire, TR6 and TR8) made the most of an incredibly great day to get out, see some scenery and see some fall colors (not too much in the way of…

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  • Cars & Coffee 2015 – Finito!

      Just another great, fun morning up at Westport at the last Cars & Coffee for 2015.  The weather truly cooperated although it was a mite chilly early on, McD’s and StL Bread Co undoubtedly did a land office business in the coffee part of the proceedings. As for the cars? Rough estimate of 300…

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