• Deep Thoughts

    A couple of items: one, the HSD definitely shifts easier with the proper shift knob. Lest I didn’t mention it earlier (several of the Polar Bear group heard the story), after leaving church last Sunday I initially got on I-64 westbound, heading for the Polar Bear start point at the Lewis & Clark Boat House…

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  • The Bear’s Done For Another Year

    Short entry tonight…we matched last year’s record turnout with 28 cars, about 40-45 people total and quite a variety: besides multiple Triumphs, today’s Polar Bear Run included Corvettes, Jaguars, a gaggle of Miatas/MX5s plus a few other vehicles including a Kelvinator-white toaster, er, Scion. More details to follow – particularly in the March Exhaust Notes…

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  • Magnificent!

    Yup, incredible: third weekend of February, temperature’s right about 75, skies are clear, had to get the HSD out of the garage for about 45 minutes of pre-Polar Bear road testing. Everything seems to be working properly, should be a fine drive tomorrow.  Oh, and no surprise, plenty of convertibles out there today with their…

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  • Great Day For A Drive 2

    Short one…about two hours ago I returned from the first run over a planned rallye course, had a ball.  The local owners/enthusiasts of Chevrolet’s “rear-engined wonder,” the Show-Me Corvair Club, is planning their 2nd Annual Spring Rally for 7 May and I volunteered to come up with the route, In advance of the expected 1-2″…

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  • Great Day For A Drive 1

    Last Sunday the Jaguar Association of Greater St Louis held their (presumably) first annual “Blue Line Roads, Fried Chicken & BBQ Pork Steaks Rallye,” down to Washington and back.  Yeah, it was a tad cool (mid-30s, IIRC) and yeah, the clouds eventually came in, but hoo-hah, what a great drive and what great fun. Something…

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  • Bear Patrol

    No, I’m not talking about manning up, launching and escorting an Aviatsiya Dal’nego Deystviya Tu-95 down the coast (or down the Mississippi River Valley, for that matter).  I’m talking about taking advantage of Saturday’s incredibly good weather (clear/PC, mid-60s) for a reconnaissance drive along this year’s SLTOA Polar Bear Run route. Devised by a couple…

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  • Meeting Night

    Photo by Andy Ackerman Truth be known, I was planning on commentary on our fellow St Louis drivers and how they handle (or don’t handle) snow.   Then again it could be worse; we could be living in the Charlotte to Boston corridor, which is about to get one helluva storm over the weekend.  Last night…

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  • Winter Arriveth…

    It might bet time to fire up the LBC Support Vehicle   Having previously lived in the Midwest (Lincoln AFB, Nebraska, 1959-1962 and Grand Forks AFB, North Dakota, 1966-1970), I’m fairly familiar with the wild changes of weather/temperatures/precip/etc this time of year.  However, even I have to admit that tonight’s expected low of about 25…

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  • 10 Jan 16: 5 degrees

    No, we’re not expecting or requesting any sympathy from our fellow Triumph owners in the Northern Tier states (including the editor’s former stomping grounds of North Dakota) BUT, doggone, 5 degrees this morning.  Winter has finally arrived in greater St Louis/Metro East. On the plus side, we went into Saturday with forecasts for steady rain…

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  • 2 Jan 16: 47 Degrees

    Good thing I brought a pair of gloves…the HSD’s heater works quite well, thank you, but after about 30 minutes of my 50 minute patrol of the local area, my hands were starting to suffer sooo…. Still, rather incredible when you think about it: day after New Years, rorting around a midwestern city with the…

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