• Hit the Track!

    (Photo by Darren F) End of April and the BSCC autocross season for 2016 has started, with a large turnout of interesting vehicles (and more than a few interesting drivers) at Family Arena. Very pleased to say SLTOA’s Slow Roller Racing Team was out in force, with TR6s (Prez Steve and ex-Prez Creig), TR8 (yours…

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  • First Cars & Coffee 2016

    Quick one, as it’s already late afternoon and there’s still plenty of items on the to-do list. First Cars & Coffee of the season this morning, the estimate came in at 500 cars, uff-da! Great way to start the spring, with more to follow.  And, as always, big thanks to M.L. Hillard for starting the…

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  • Work in Progress

    Yeah, I know, when dealing with LBCs, they’re all “works in progress.”  But this one – observed in a 7-11 parking lot at Bates and Virginia earlier today – was in fact a work in progress: if you look closely, you’ll see one of the owner’s legs and part of his back, as he works…

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  • The Rain Held Off…

    SLTOA’s Dawn Patrol…   The Horseless Carriage Club of Missouri’s Easter Concours returned to the parking lot of the Muny today and fortunately, we didn’t get any of the expected rain until most everyone had left the lot, somewhere around 1500L. And, this event featured the resumption (after last year’s layoff) of the Triumph-MG participation…

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  • The Search Continues

    Third and last full day at KRDR, other than the Mini haven’t seen an LBC.  However, I did see this other classic (?) out in the parking lot this morning… Will do one more patrol tomorrow for about five hours, in advance of returning to the airport for the flight home.  Looks like I’m going…

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  • Grand Forks Sports Car Club

    No idea when this club gave up the ghost, a Google search didn’t turn up anything recent but apparently 50 years ago it was quite active.  AND, I do know one of the members/autocross competitors, contacted him last night (retired Colonel, USAF, one each) and he sent this photo of him in his E-Type during…

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  • More Grand Forks

    The Morgan family arrived at Grand Forks AFB in late May 1966, the result of a transfer from McCoy AFB, Orlando, FL, for dad’s assignment to the 321st Strategic Missile Wing with LGM-30F Minuteman IIs. As it turns out, the base and city at that time had a very active sports car club, appropriately named…

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  • Sighted LBC, Photographed Same

    Well, that didn’t take long…on my way to work this morning at Grand Forks AFB, I stumbled across this Mini. Rather tired and with rust in several locations, but still pretty cool. Looked inside, the main instruments were mounted in the more traditional position behind the wheel, vice earlier Mini’s centrally-located gauges. Mid-to-late 90’s example?…

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  • Up North

    Off on another LBC patrol, this time in and around Grand Forks, ND, one of my favorite places on the planet, dating to 1966-1970 when we were stationed at the air force base. Today’s excursion, post-landing at KGFK, involved a quick run across the Red River of the North to Crookston, then north to Thief…

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  • Wind Chill? What Wind Chill?

    Yeah, got the TR8 out again last evening for a grocery run (via the scenic route, natch). Had to; the weather just too good to leave the car in the garage. I think most of us have had the circumstance where someone walks up to your car and makes appreciative comments.  Occasionally, we hear “I…

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