• WB I-64

    From looking at the amount of space left on this trailer, I’d guess the owner has a couple of good years of travel left before he runs out of room for more bumper stickers. BTW, I’m out on patrol again for LBCs, this time well to the south of St Louis. If I turn any…

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  • LBC Speedster

    Anyone interested in a Sunbeam Alpine Speedster?  The car was on display at the last Cars & Coffee, courtesy of Fast Lane.  Only $29,995.

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  • Wild Kingdom!

    Regrettably, it’s a 4-door, otherwise we’d have a no-kidding Chicken Coupe. Blackwell Motors of Bonne Terre (and of large pink elephant fame) made a brief appearance at a car lot on Manchester down the hill from I-270 last week, I suspect they were testing the local car sales waters.  As of tonight (Tuesday), the lot’s…

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  • To Brussels

    A tad warm yesterday but doggone, seven TRs, one MGB, a few brand Xs (including the official camera vehicle, which is Korean), 22 people participating (or was it 26?). SLTOA set off from Westport Village, up to the Golden Eagle Ferry and then on to Brussels and the famous Wittmond Hotel for an early dinner.…

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  • Mobility Kill

    Spent Saturday morning with John the Marine out north of Wentzville, we put the HSD up on ramps, poked, prodded, evaluated, etc.  After he heard me start the car a couple of times, his verdict: possible/probable damage to the teeth on both starter and flywheel, time to replace the starter, flywheel and clutch. Which we’ll…

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  • Aw, the Heck With It…

    Rough day, depressing news, South China Sea, Ukraine, cyber crime, taxes, the Chicago Cubs, pestilence, plague, famine, politics, etc… Then again, a 20-minute drive in the HSD still manages to cure all ills, or at least make me forget about them!

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  • Yurp Auto Show!

    It’s a Lamborghini…seriously….   As most are undoubtedly aware, the annual European Auto Show took place last Sunday, second year at the “new” Taubman Prestige Outlets venue out in the Chesterfield Valley.  Yr fthfl ed failed to make the show last year and heard a few horror stories, including lack of shade (well, give the…

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  • Liberty Call in Hermann

    How SLTOA members enjoy their Sunday drives.  Details in the June issue of Exhaust Notes, with additional photos available at www.sltoa.org.

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  • How They Settle Things In Kansas

    The road show is, well, back on the road again, this time in search of LBCs in the greater Kansas City area, while visiting family.  Now obviously, between the Kansas City Triumph Club and the other local Brit car clubs, there should be plenty of opportunities over the weekend, we’ll see what I turn up.…

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  • Salute to Missouri’s Vets

      Always something of a surprise in mid-May to walk outside early, then run back inside to grab a jacket and switch the household HVAC from “cool” to “heat.”  But, despite temperatures in the mid-40s and winds which probably drove the wind chill into the 30s, a good number of Jaguar Association of Greater St…

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