• Back on the Road

    Radiator’s replaced (FINALLY!), still have to trouble-shoot the clutch system and find a leak which slowly drains the master cylinder BUT, for now, I’m a happy camper. The Boeing Sports Car Club autocross season commences this Sunday, Karl Schmitt’s called a pop-up drive followed by dinner for this Thursday night, and next weekend I’ll happily…

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  • Summer! No, winter…er, summer?

    Quite an entertaining week past.  Last month’s inaugural Cars & Coffee took place under clear skies and temperatures pushing 60-70 degrees, resulting (or at the least, contributing to) about 500 cars occupying the Westport lot.  This month’s event?  Temp of 41, wind blowing steadily at about 20 kts and lots of people drinking lots of…

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  • No Polar, Some Bear

    Good grief, what a day and what a drive!  Severe clear and the 38 cars/roughly 50 participants in SLTOA’s annual Polar Bear Run enjoyed temps in the low 70s.  We had a great course, a few challenges, one sequence of multiple LBCs and other cars locking all four wheels (with appropriate sound effects and smoke)…

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  • The Road Beckons

    There are two red TR4As in SLTOA’s “collection;” stumbled across this one at Manchester and Weidmann this afternoon, right about 1630, getting ready to turn east onto Manchester.  Didn’t get a good look at the driver but, last we heard John’s still finishing the restoration of his TR4A, so I assume this one was Dave’s. …

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  • Sir John Black’s Birthday

    On 10 February 1895, John Paul Black was born in Kingston-Upon-Thames, England. Following service with the Royal Tank Regiment in The Great War, he joined the Hillman Motor Car Company as a sales manager, followed bhy a 1919 promotion to director. He left Hillman in July 1929 and in September, took a position as Joint…

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  • Fiata

    Most in SLTOA are aware Yr Fthfl Ed is a former Fiat owner: 1976 Fiat X1/9 (one of the best cars I’ve ever owned) and an ’81 124 Spider (the all-time worst car I’ve ever owned, beating out a 2007 Jeep Commander).  I also autocrossed a 124 back in Tucson 1971-1972. Anyway, while out in…

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  • The Automobile As Art IV

    Spied in the parking lot of Dierbergs on Manchester (the one west of MO 141), Sunday afternoon, 5 February.  One of two things: the owner of this Oldsmobile felt obligated to pay homage to the noble bumblebee…or he/she’s a Pittsburgh Steelers fan.

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  • Drat the Luck!

    Dang, yesterday was the perfect day to get the HSD out for a short romp: severe clear and 70 degrees, highly improbable for January but hey….Problem was, between attending a funeral as a member of the choir, followed by lunch, followed by the usual weekend household chores and an early dinner with other family members,…

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  • The Great Storm That Wasn’t…Sort Of…

    I-55 southbound earlier this weekend.  Photo: St Louis Post-Dispatch MLK Day, Monday morning and according to weather guessers the worst is past and we’re heading for close to 60 degrees today (!), in association with a lot more rain.  Amazingly enough, according to the 10-day forecast, we won’t see  freezing temps for a while. The…

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  • The Automobile As Art III

    Observed in a lot off west Manchester on 7 January. Got through some snow this week and have a three-day weekend coming up…which, from this AM’s weather reports, will definitely not provide much in the way of driving weather: ice pellets, followed by snow on Monday, oh BOY! 

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