• Why Yes, I DID get the HSD out today…

    So, did you take your LBC out for a top-down patrol?  Following two months in the garage – and obviously, after checking fluids and connecting the battery – I got the TR8 out for about 40 minutes.  Had a major good time; during the course of the drive I observed several US-made convertibles, a Jaguar…

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  • Five Weeks Until Polar Bear!

    Ah, but if the temps get above 50, as predicted for later in the week (undoubtedly the calm before the storm, eh?), I will most definitely get the TR8 out for a quick patrol. In the meantime, spent the better part of the morning working on the January Exhaust Notes.  Here we are, one week…

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  • Only Six Weeks Until Polar Bear!

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  • LBC Sighting

    Presenting Kunkle Motors of Dallas, Pennsylvania, located off PA 309 north of Wilkes-Barre on the road to the highly scenic Harveys Lake. While a Saab specialist (I suspect it formerly served as a dealership; in any event, there are a LOT of Saabs around, including 92s/93s and a really nice Sonnett), according to owner Tim…

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  • Northeastern Patrol

    Yup, on the road again, in search of LBCs.  While based out of Bowie, MD, I have managed to range fairly far afield; however, as of Tuesday, when I motored up to Pennsylvania, hadn’t seen an LBC.  Plenty of Jags, Range/Land Rovers and Minis, but no classic Brit sports cars. I did stumble across this…

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  • One More Excursion

    One more time out in the HSD before it goes into the garage (the good news: after six months and the completion of three major home improvement projects, I was finally able to get the car back in the garage for the winter). While making a stop at the ZX mini-mart on Manchester, observed this…

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  • 5th Annual SLTOA Vet’s Drive

    Fifth time for this event, held this year on 19 November (hey, I’ve been busy…) and the participants had a fine – if somewhat chilly, almost universally top-up – drive. We had 18 cars show, about 30 people and truth be known, the majority of the vehicles were MGs, particularly MGBs…and it was great having…

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  • Meanwhile, down in Fredericktown…

    Rather entertaining rod; couldn’t ID it from the grill, but there’s a Ford plate on the firewall.  What was really startling, though, was the decal in the back window.  

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  • Happy Thanksgiving

      Growing up, I based my knowledge of “typical” Midwest winters on three years in Lincoln, Nebraska, and four years in Grand Forks, North Dakota.  After moving back to the Midwest in 2005, I was startled to find that most of the winters hereabouts were actually pretty mild….cold, to be sure, but major snowfall winters…

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  • Road Recce

    Went out Saturday (18 Nov) to do the final reconnaissance run over the route for Sunday’s Vet’s Drive, saw plenty of this type of weather. The Vet’s run was a major success, despite the chill.  Details to follow.

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