• Cars As…Birthday Cards?

    Sighted yesterday (Tues 24 Apr) at Scott AFB. Yes, the owner was rather startled when he showed up…and yes, those are balloons filling the passenger compartment.

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  • Forest Park ’18

    Dang, those crafty, wiley MG club, er, folks pulled it off again: at the 9th edition of the Triumph-MG Challenge for the British Leyland Participation Trophy, they beat us handily, putting 27 of the Morris Garages products on the field of valor vice 16 Triumphs and one Morgan +4.  Sigh… Not to make excuses, but…

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  • The Automobile As Art VI

    Who you gonna call?  (I-44 WB near Arsenal, Mon 12 Mar)

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  • Life in the Midwest

    Sunday, 11 March, 1220 hrs, Des Peres.

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  • Back East

    Back in the DC area again, short-notice short-duration trip in order to attend the funeral of an Air Force bud of yours truly.  In and around high winds, power outages and the farewell, have kept an eye out for TRs and other LBCs.  So far, this is the only wheeled transportation I’ve seen bearing the…

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  • TR Sighting!

    Ran across this one in the parking lot of Menards on Manchester, between I-270 and MO 141.   Got a brief glimpse of the driver before he entered the store; Mark and Andy in SLTOA have yellow TR6s, but this guy didn’t look like either of them.  A mystery… BTW, the TR6 had period-correct Missouri plates…

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  • Fine Day

    Initial late-winter/early spring yardwork (hey, the rain stopped and it got into the mid-50s today)? Undertake some other project inside the house, such as organizing the basement? Naaah….went out for a drive (note the blue sky).

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  • No Polar, Plenty of Bear

    In fact, the Bear even made the drive this year!  A total of 24 cars – a mix of Triumphs, MGs (thanks MG Club of St Louis members), BMWs and a couple of other brands – great weather, great route and a fine party afterwards.  All in all, a fine way to start the driving…

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  • Polar Bear Mod 1

    Head’s up! The starting location and time for SLTOA’s Polar Bear Run this Sunday (11 Feb) has changed slightly.  The meet point is now the Mobil station on MO 94 at Thoele Plaza, immediately north of Fox Hill Rd.  Show time is 9:30 AM, the cars roll at 10 AM. AND, the weather still looks…

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  • One Week Until Polar Bear

    Sunday, 11 February, meet at the Mobil on MO 94, right side, north of MO 370 at 10 AM for a drive through St Charles County, ending in a gathering at an SLTOA member’s house.  Top-down LBCs and their owners/pax are highly encourage to participate (weather forecast is for high in the mid-30s, partly cloudy,…

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