• Ace IS the Place!

    Photo by Dave Massey Dave Massey’s immaculate, recently restored/re-assembled ’71 TR6 and yr fthl ed’s 1980 TR8, earlier today. Never know when you’re going to run into another TR, eh? Next SLTOA meeting is Tuesday the 21st, at Llywelyn’s, 17 W Moody, Webster Groves. Interested in Triumphs and in the mood for a fun night…

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  • Pursuit Arc

    Dang…out running errands on Saturday, 28 July, stopped at a light on Manchester opposite Home Depot and a white 74-76 TR6 pulls onto Manchester and heads west.  Yup, the intercept was on. I didn’t recognize the car; the only other white TR6 I’m aware of in town is Dave Massey’s but, as indicated, this was…

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  • A Bunch of the Boys Were Whooping It Up…

    AND, LBCs continue to make inroads into the Friday night Sonic cruises in Kirkwood.  We had a fine representation by Triumphs and MGs on the 27th and again, perfect weather, great fun and a lot of entertaining vehicles.  

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  • 500 Cars

    July’s Cars & Coffee-Westport, on the 21st: perfect weather, as usual a lot of variety among cars (and owners…and spectators) and right about 500 cars total.

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  • SweatFest!

    Compared to the past two years, 2018’s annual July SweatFest in John Lamberg’s backyard wasn’t too hot nor too humid.   Good turnout, good assortment of cars and a pretty involved business meeting, with much event planning for the latter part of the year.

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  • The Field of Friendly Competition

    Apparently this is my morning to get caught up, with a few quick ones. For starters, 15 July’s Boeing Sports Car Club autocross (fifth event of the season) which included competition by four LBC owners. Probably chief among the pack was Dave Massey, who returned with his recently rebuilt/reassembled TR6. Lee Fox in his MGB…

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  • Heat Wave, eh?

    Boy, and to think I used to buy cars without air conditioning.  We are in the middle of particularly nasty stretch of high temps and corresponding mid-to-high humidity, which makes driving our cars top down, uh, challenging. In fact, earlier this afternoon, I saw a black Ferrari Portofino (front-engine, no V12, twin-turbo V8) up on…

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  • B4WDBC Sighting!

    Seen at Skagit Regional Airport, off WA 20 west of Burlington, WA, earlier today. Lots of neat aircraft the airport too, including the collection of flyable warbirds at the Heritage Flight Museum.

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  • LBC Sighting!

    It could qualify as a classic car park OR it could come under the category of auto junkyard…the lot’s on the east side of I-5 near Vader, WA, and according to the hand-lettered sign out front, the entire property – including a large number of mostly rusted-out vehicles – are for sale. Note the GT6…

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  • Enough Already…

    Hmmm…it might be time to lock up the auto stylists (the amazing thing is someone actually bought one of these CH-Rs, the biggest leap forward in automotive design since the Pontiac Aztek).

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