The Saint Louis Triumph Owner’s Association is a group of British car enthusiasts who come together under the Triumph marque. We enjoy good food, good company, and good drives. Please explore what we have to offer in terms of events, membership, and content throughout the site.
Next Club Meeting
Tuesday, 18 March 2025
The SLTOA’s March monthly meeting will be held at JJ’s Restaurant in Saint Charles. Arrive after 5:00pm. Meeting begins at 7:00pm.
Our club is especially active, hosting a number of our own drives and meetings throughout the year as well as participating in other local and regional events. Wherever British cars can be found, it is likely that SLTOA members will be present.
See what some of our staple events are like from photos taken during previous years.
Club Drives
The SLTOA proudly coordinates a selection of traditional annual drives including the Polar Bear Run, Maifest Drive, Fall Colours Drive, and Veterans Day Run as well as the occasional spontaneous pop-up drive. Most of our driving events are open to members of other area car clubs. View the Events page for further details and the latest on upcoming drives.
Monthly Meetings
Our club hosts a dinner meeting on the third Tuesday of most months out of the year. Visitors are welcome! Details for upcoming meetings are posted on the Events page.
Local Events
Many members of our club participate in other local and regional automotive events in addition to those we host, providing for strong representation of the Triumph stable. Watch for details of these events in our Events Calendar below.
Events Calendar
Download the Events Calendar using the link below, or view our Events page for further details.
Members of the Saint Louis Triumph Owner’s Association enjoy benefits including the ability to participate in exclusive club events, such as the Summer Picnic and annual Christmas party, and access to the SLTOA’s newsletter Exhaust Notes. If you would like to join or renew your membership, please visit our Membership page for more information.
The Exhaust Notes newsletter is a monthly* publication available to members of the SLTOA and other regional clubs. It includes articles about recent club and local events, interesting columns, technical tips and tech sessions, classified ads, and much more. View a sample issue on our Newsletter page, or join for access to our club’s latest.
*Some months may receive either no issue or a two-month combined issue.
The SLTOA website also hosts a blog authored by Newsletter editor Mark Morgan. View the most recent posts below, or visit the Blog page for more.
Latest Blog Posts
Polar Bear Rescheduled
Lest you haven’t heard, what with expected snow and questionable road conditions, SLTOA rescheduled its annual Polar Bear Run for Sunday, 2 March. Event details remain the same: drivers will meet at the…
Nice MGB GT seen at Gillespie Field in El Cajon, CA, Saturday, 15 February. The Mercedes-Benz 450 SL’s in pretty good shape, save for faded paint. Gillespie Field served as a Marine Corps…